WARNING: The web version has some wired texture issues, so if it looks just black and white and not like on the screenshots, please download the exe.

You control a slime that mutates everything it touches. Your goal is to to mutate as much of an island as possible before you can move on to the next island. But wait - you only have a limited number of moves you can make. The moves are refilled when you have mutated a certain amount of the island. of the island. Once your movements have been refilled a few times, you can move on to the next island. How many islands can you pass?

The islands are selected at random and the game has an online leaderboard where you can compete with others.


  • Click to go in that direction
  • Q/E to control your Came

Made for the ScoreSpace Jam with the theme Mutation in 3 days

This game is far from finished, but I will continue it after the Game Jam (edit: motivation says no)

The water shader I used: https://godotshaders.com/shader/stylized-water-shader/


MutatiLands v1.0 windows 27 MB


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Great idea !